Legal Clinic Services During COVID-19
The Legal Clinic is a Community Legal Clinic serving residents of Lanark County, The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, northern Frontenac County and northern Lennox and Addington Counties. We are staffed by lawyers with extensive experience in areas of Clinic Law. The Legal Clinic will continue to operate. However, during this period, to avoid the risk of spreading any virus our work will be carried out remotely by telephone, email or fax. Hearings are being scheduled by teleconference.
We are suspending our Public Legal Education service.
We will continue to provide summary legal advice or referrals to all residents. We will, subject to our staffing capacity and service demand, provide representation and casework to all residents who qualify financially for our services in the following areas:
• Denial or suspension of Ontario Works
• Denial or suspension of Ontario Disability
• Landlord and Tenant Matters
• Canada Pension Disability Denials
• Old Age Security denials or terminations
• Employment law matters including wrongful dismissal, Human Rights Employment Standards, Employment Insurance and Workers Compensation
• Wills and Powers of Attorney
We are a Community Legal Clinic funded by you through Legal Aid Ontario. We belong to and are operated by the community we serve. We are here to serve you. There is no charge for our services. We can be reached by phone: 613-264-8888 or 1-888-777-8916, by fax: 613-264-8931