
Financial Eligibility

Our services are offered at no cost to low income clients who qualify financially.

Low income means that your main source of family income is one of the following:

  • Ontario Works (OW)
  • Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
  • Old Age Security Pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement (OAS/GIS)
  • War Veterans’ Allowance
  • Canada Pension Plan (if applying for CPP and CPP is the primary source of family income)
  • Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) benefits which are temporary or threatened

If you do not qualify financially because your source of income is not one of those listed above, then financial eligibility will be based on your family size and family income as well as the assets that you own. Discretionary factors are also considered such as debt load, availability of alternate services, importance of legal issues to low income interests, etc.

All our services are provided free of charge. However, if you can afford it, we will ask you to pay us back when we have to pay for things to help your case, such as medical reports or court filing fees.